Extracting Published Dates from web pages

One objectively useful piece of information often present on news and blog post articles online is the date of publication.
It can be used to determine how fresh and relevant an article is and when used in conjunction with other processing allow you get a feel for the subject of the article, be it a company, person or event.

At Synoptica I worked on improving the accuracy of getting such a published date (and sometimes time).

Interestingly this is a harder task than you might naively believe it to be.


Surely you can just grab the first date you see on a web page and be done with it right? Nope.
Often a web page will have many dates on it, some from other articles, adverts or even today’s date.

So grabbing the first one you see is not good enough, but even if it was we’d still have the problem of what we consider a date.
Americans like to use the (confusing) date format of mm/dd/yyyy compared to dd/mm/yyyy, but often websites also use a textual representation of the date like Monday 21st January 2008 or August 3, 2009, with many variations of order and punctuation.

Some websites might not even include the date of an article on it’s page in text but instead encode it in the URL like: https://example.com/2012/1/1/happy-new-year or in elements within the page.

But there must be “a standard” for presenting dates on articles online right? Otherwise, how do the likes of Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook and others show nice summaries of web links to news articles?

Well there are standards, plural:

Solving it

So that’s 3 places we can get a published date (and maybe time) from:

All these can be in various formats so we’d need to be able to parse them to dates (and maybe times for some) reliably.

A web page might have many dates on it so we’d also want to be able to determine which one is the most likely published date as well.

We’d want to cover as many web pages as possible and make it easy to add more “rules” to such a system, so we can incrementally improve it.

A decent solution to this (and the one I took) would be to:

  1. Encode all the common patterns into their own rules.
    For instance create a process to decode a URL and extract anything that looks like a date in it like https://example.com/2008-02-21/article or https://example.com/2012/12/15/article, other processes for the common metadata patterns, and more still for searching for date patterns in a pages content.
  2. With the dates output by the above processes; evaluate them and determine a most likely published date.

The first step is simple enough and can be structured in such a way that it is easy to add more rules to as you discover them and modify existing ones.
I did this using classical Java and Object Orientated patterns; defined a common interface for processing a web page and it’s URL, then implemented types based on this interface, taking advantage of inheritance to divide similar rules into simple type hierarchies to reuse common behaviours.

Simple class diagram

The second step requires some intelligence and reasoning. One simple algorithm might be to use the date that appears the most for a given page, ordering those with similar counts by recency. A more intelligent one might be to weight the output of the various rules, since some may be more likely to be right than others, e.g. the date in a URL is likely right.

With these steps in place you could now easily evaluate a list of URLs and determine when they were published, outputting such information in a standard way (ISO-8061 is nice) e.g.

URL Published Date (with time)
https://edition.cnn.com/2018/09/02/health/cuba-china-state-department-microwaves-sonic-attacks/index.html 2018-09-02T20:13:34Z
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45394226 2018-09-03T14:27:52+01:00
https://www.dawn.com/news/1430365 2018-09-02T00:55:02Z
https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2018/09/01/dolphin-progress-report-august-2018 2018-09-01T00:00:00Z
https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-speed-bump-planned-for-u-s-stock-market-1535713321 2018-08-31T11:02:00Z
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-44291716 2018-05-29T15:49:31+01:00


I built such a library over a short period of time in Java that covered many cases over many web pages, 51 in my original hand curated tests.
It could handle at least 19 different date formats that I had seen, some including time and offset information.
It was also easily extensible, with tooling allowing me to explore pages for potential new patterns and improvements to existing ones.
In an effort to be both polite and efficient I saved local copies of each web page I was testing and built the tests and tooling around this so it became easy to add more rules, and more web pages when I needed.

At Synoptica the extracted date is used to determine relevant articles to a company and used in scoring companies in various categories like funding, corporate social responsibility, security, recruitment etc.
The more accurate a date (and maybe even time) the more accurate results are.

As a result of this being work related the code is property of Synoptica but the process itself should be relatively easy to reproduce, in fact there already exists at least one project that does something similar to this in Python for those requiring a ready-made solution: Webhose article-date-extractor.
I am unsure on the licensing of this project however, and do not know if it is actively maintained. I encountered it when I had already developed most of the rules in my own project and was relived to see they had a similar approach to my own (albeit in differently structured Python code).

Overall this was an interesting self-contained problem that was well defined and relatively easy to solve. I’d be tempted to attempt a solution again in my own time and evaluate potential alternatives and new possible patterns.

One interesting possibility would be to implement this using machine learning to assist in step 2. That is, if given enough context around each extracted date you could potentially train a model that would decide which is the most likely date for a given web page. A similar approach is taken to eliminate adverts and boilerplate parts of web pages by the project Dragnet. I had this idea initially but thought a heuristic based approach would be faster to implement and give good enough results.


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