I Don't Like Mocks

I don’t like software Mocks or Mocking frameworks in general. In my experience they don’t really help when it comes to testing software, at least the kind I work on, and the frameworks themselves are a nightmare to deal with.

To preface this, I’ve spent the majority of my career working in high level programming languages like Java, Scala, Kotlin and JavaScript, so my experience with Mocks is coloured by how they work in these languages and projects within in them. An astute reader will observe that 3 of the 4 languages mentioned are JVM based, so some of my criticisms may not be as relevant in other languages.

First off, what is Mocking in software testing? Like its English counterpart, a software Mock is an imitation of something, normally an object in object-orientated programming languages, but you can also create mock methods/functions. They’re mostly used when Unit Testing, to use instead of some unit you are dependent on.

The oft-given example of when a Mock could be used would be for a database. Instead of having your tests actually connect to a database you supply a mock that when queried returns some fixed data for testing with.

In theory, this is great. You can test parts of your project locally and fast, without having to have additional infrastructure stood up. In reality, they almost always cause your units to be tightly coupled together and become a nightmare to maintain.

Admittedly, part of the nightmare is how hard it is to use some mocking frameworks. In JVM languages they lean heavily upon reflection at runtime to get class and method information and instantiate an object that reflects the real class (often also creating an underlying instance of the class somewhere). Reflection is one of those tools in Java (and its descendants) that can be used to do all sorts of magic. And I use the word “magic” on purpose; frameworks that use reflection often hides a lot of complexity from the user, but bring with them a lot of potentially esoteric error messages, and the accompanying head-scratching.

In terms of coupling, it’s my experience that people tend to test the wrong things with Mocks: They test the internal calls within a classes functions, rather than testing the contract that a classes API sets out. For example, I have seen many tests where something like the following (contrived) example is being tested:

class IntProvider(var uri: URI) {
    def get(): Int = {
        // code to connect to a URI and convert its contents to an
        // integer but this could be any call to an external resource

class Main(
    val providerA: IntProvider,
    val providerB: IntProvider
) {

    // method being tested
    def run(): Try[Int] = Try {
        // this does something with the provided resources
        providerA.get() * providerB.get()


Wherein, the test does something like:

val a = mock(classOf[IntProvider])
val b = mock(classOf[IntProvider])


val main = new Main(a, b)

val result = main.run()


result match {
    Success(value) => assert(value == 77)
    Failure(e)     => fail(e)

This is a contrived example (and not particularly good Scala code), but the point is, these verify steps are actually testing the internal calls that run does.

The mocking actually highlight a glaring issue with the code and how it is coupled; IntProvider should ideally be a trait/interface, so the code looks more like the following:

trait Provider<T> {
    def get(): T

class IntProvider(var uri: URI) extends Provider[Int] {
    override def get(): Int = {
        // code to connect to a URI and convert its contents to an
        // integer but this could be any call to an external resource

class Main(
    val providerA: Provider[Int],
    val providerB: Provider[Int]
) {

    // method being tested
    def run(): Try[Int] = Try {
        providerA.get() * providerB.get()


Then, instead of mocking a whole class we can simply implement a “stub” of the interface/trait in our testing framework:

class TestProvider(val value: Int) extends Provider[Int] {
    override def get(): Int = value

val a = new TestProvider(11)
val b = new TestProvider(7)

val main = new Main(a, b)
val result = main.run()

result match {
    Success(value) => assert(value == 77)
    Failure(e)     => fail(e)

Essentially, the crux of my argument here is this: if you decouple your units enough you should be able to stub out the parts of your project that talk to external dependencies and not need to do any advanced “mocking” and verification that mocking frameworks provide.

To be clear, a “stub” can be considered a kind of “mock”, and most frameworks actually advise that you only ever mock interfaces rather than classes themselves, but mocking frameworks give you the ability to easily ignore such advice. Although, they do this for good reason, as it could be seen as a bad habit to add lots of extra boilerplate interfaces when only a single implementation of a class would ever exist (I disagree with this, and say more about it later).

Generally, mocking tends to lead to bad design choices. My above example is highly contrived, but I can think of more examples I have seen, related to the age-old example of mocking a database or connection to external resources like AWS S3. And these examples have led me to the following conclusion; you should avoid passing in the raw connection and instead isolate it in its own domain, that is to say, it is bad design to have a class that relies on many services external to those that you control. It makes it harder to test your own code by polluting it with access to externalities. When accessing something external to the program domain you should ideally be wrapping it in code you do control, so it is easier to test (with stubs) and easier for someone reading your code to understand. For example, instead of passing in a direct reference to a database, wrap it in a class you control and provide a convenient API on-top of that.

class UserDB(val connection: Connection) {
    // Note I am using domain objects for Users rather than raw
    // rows

    def allUsers(): Seq[User] = {...}

    def user(id: Int): Option[User] = {...}

    def putUser(newUser: User): Unit = {...}


With that, you control the point where you are coupled to the external system, and if you want to you can convert it into an interface to stub or isolate your mocking efforts on just those methods you control the contract of.

Now, this does only move the problem of the external dependencies to the edges of your code. But, it does make it easier to Unit Test since the code you end up testing is not the calls made to some external library or system but your own units. If you find yourself needing to test what happens when a bad connection is passed in, or interrupted, consider it for what it is, an Integration Test. In those situations you might want to try and use some mocking frameworks fancy features to simulate an error heading into your system but isolate it to only the integration point. Better yet, consider using more appropriate tools for the job like in-memory databases, or containers containing the real component (or a service level mock like localstack). After all, your software tests should generally be made up of more steps than just Unit Testing:

A general diagram of testing, showing that automation decreased as you     go up each level and time taken increases. The levels from left to right     are: Unit Testing, Smoke Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing and     User Acceptance Testing.

Most software projects in my experience tend to do at least 2 or 3 steps of testing, even if they aren’t codified as a strict process. Unit Testing and Integration Testing being those I have seen most often.

Smoke Testing is a term I first heard at IDR Solutions, and are similar to Integration tests. Essentially, your tests gives some known input to the system you are testing and compares the systems output to a previous run for differences. If it finds any they are flagged up for review. It lets you see the effect of changes made to the overall system, so errors in output can be seen as “smoke” with their causes being the “fire”. There is, after all, no smoke without fire.

In an ideal world, us developers would be able to run all tests on our local machines instantly to verify changes we make don’t cause issues. But unfortunately, we don’t live in the ideal world, so we can compromise with having Unit Tests run fast and later testing stages either run slower locally or in a CI/CD environment before merging our code with the master copy of a project.

It feels like Mocking Frameworks are often used to try and plug the gap between Unit and Integration Testing. And their unintended effect is to make us lazy when it comes to both. We wind up mocking the database connections rather than really testing them in integration tests, and fail to decouple units of our code enough to be easily testable without them.

Edit 2023-12-14

Below are 2 other blog posts from 2017 and 2021 that both go into problems with mocks:


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