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Data Engineering the Right to Erasure

GDPR and specifically, the Right to Erasure (aka ‘right to be forgotten’) are tough nuts to crack in the world of Data. Given our predilection to data hoarding the requirements to be able to erase user information in a timely manner can prove difficult when you have a huge data estate.

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What is Premature Optimisation?

As programmers we’re often taught to take certain things for granted, when it comes to performance. Likewise, we often throw around the Sir Tony Hoare quote, made famous by Donald Knuth: “Premature optimisation is the root of all evil.” But what is premature optimisation?

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Fixing a bug in S3 Object listing in Scala

This is a quick tip from a blunder I made when writing some Scala code using the AWS S3 object listing API. Hopefully it will save someone else from making the same mistake and show how important it is to have good tests, a clear API and the literacy skills to read it.

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Efficiently writing to S3 in Python

Before Christmas 2023 we ran into an issue with one of our simpler data ingests at work. An AWS Lambda, written in Python that queried an API, transformed the results, and landed them in Amazon S3 as JSON (gzipped JSON Lines files to be specific), started to fail.

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AdventOfRust 2023

So it’s two weeks into 2023’s Advent of Code and I have a confession to make. I’ve been using it to learn Rust.

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