Recent Posts

Software Activism & NPM

Recently there’s been an outpouring of software activists or, as some call them, hacktivists, protesting the war between Russia and Ukraine. One of these people, a man by the name of Brandon Nozaki Miller, decided to introduce malware into a popular Node.js library known as node-ipc.

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Security & Vampirism: Don't Invite Them in

In an old talk by Kevlin Henley he made an observation on an effective programming habit through the use of a vampire analogy. The analogy went something like this:

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Book Series: Mistborn

Recently I finished reading the Mistborn book series by Brandon Sanderson, a fantasy series set in his Cosmere setting. This is a brief review of that series.

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Bash Scripting Adventure: Deleting tables from AWS Glue

Recently, I was tasked with deleting a load of extraneous tables that made their way into one of our AWS Glue Catalogs. These tables were causing a major issue by virtue of a fact that there were 15,000+ of them. To solve this problem I applied a bit of Bash scripting that I thought I’d share.

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Nonograms Part 3

In my last 2 posts I was working on a way to processes Nonograms in Scala. In the first I outlined what they were and a file format to store them in. In the second I showed my code in Scala to represent them and parse them from the file format I defined. In this post I will continue on with code to write out the file format and render them.

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