18 Jun 2021
Last night I was struck by a mini disaster! My phone had run out space due to
the amount of photographs I have taken over the last few years! Annoyed at the
sudden disruption to my phones operation I went to work trying to delete old
photos and back them up.
Contine reading...
10 Jun 2021
Just a quick post sharing a simple bash script for sending your EBooks to your
Kindle via email (using msmtp and mutt).
Contine reading...
27 May 2021
Recently I wrote a very quick C program to parse my i3 configuration file and
output the bound keys within. This was to help jog my memory of the various
keys I have set in my configuration file beyond the common ones.
Contine reading...
20 May 2021
Digging through some old notes I stumbled upon the diagram I made when planning
my home network during my last move. I had decided to take a little paranoid
approach to my networking.
Contine reading...
11 May 2021
Recently I wanted to refresh my C programming skills and was on the lookout for
a library or framework for getting graphics onto the screen while doing so and
I stumbled upon the Raylib library.
It suited the bill perfectly.
Contine reading...