24 Mar 2021
Recently I have been experimenting with the terminal email client
mutt (neomutt to be specific)
in preparation for setting up my own email server (I want to stop being over
reliant on GMail).
Initially I stumbled upon offlineimap as a way
of downloading and syncing mail from an IMAP server, but as it turns out it is
built in Python 2 and considered a bit obsolete and slow by many.
So after some searching I discovered isync as
a suitable replacement and decided to migrate to it from offlineimap
, a
process I will document below.
Contine reading...
17 Mar 2021
Go grab your tin-foil hat it’s time to talk about surveillance online in the
modern internet.
Contine reading...
15 Mar 2021
After spotting a link on Fosstodon to the
Web Bloat Score Calculator and investigating
my scores on
Google’s PageSpeed Insights
I decided to reduce some of the “bloat” on my site.
Contine reading...
10 Mar 2021
If you like your music, have a Spotify account and use Linux then spotifyd
and spotify-tui
might be nice alternative to using a heavier GUI client.
Contine reading...
06 Mar 2021
So far I have not spent an extended period working within
dwm, I have however applied a whole bunch of
patches to it and even partially customised it myself and I must say it wasn’t
as painful as I thought it might be.
Contine reading...