22 Nov 2019
Sometimes when dealing with data in Spark you may find yourself needing to join
data against a large date range. I have encountered this when needing take a
sparsely populated table (in terms of the dates) and fill in any missing entries
with some sensible value, be it a default value (using the na
functions) or a
previous dates value (using a windowing function).
Contine reading...
23 May 2019
In my previous post
I mentioned one possible solution for adding comments to my blog using the
built in support for data files in Jekyll. This approach was pioneered by
Damien Guard.
In this post I hope to have a crack at designing such a system myself and
implementing it.
Contine reading...
09 May 2019
I have been considering adding comments to my blog for a little while now.
Contine reading...
03 May 2019
One objectively useful piece of information often present on news and blog post
articles online is the date of publication.
It can be used to determine how fresh and relevant an article is and when used
in conjunction with other processing allow you get a feel for the subject of
the article, be it a company, person or event.
Contine reading...
21 Jun 2018
Today I have quickly thrown together a library to add support for TOML to the Vert.x Configuration service.
Contine reading...