Designing a Comment System

In my previous post I mentioned one possible solution for adding comments to my blog using the built in support for data files in Jekyll. This approach was pioneered by Damien Guard.
In this post I hope to have a crack at designing such a system myself and implementing it.

What do I want?

My first step in designing this comment system will be to decide what my goals are.

That’s quite a few things I want but it is fairly doable.

Some drawbacks of such a design are:

Overall I am willing to live with these drawbacks, at least for the moment.

The comment system boils down to the following kind of top level flow:

Simple system diagram

  1. The user reads a post from the blog
  2. The user decides to leave a comment
  3. The comment system determines if the comment should be allowed and updates the blog

This diagram does simplify parts of the design like approving the comments, however this could be seen as being outside of the current scope since it would be an external process.

Some Prototyping

I often find it helpful to work through and prototype some ideas roughly before implementing them properly.

Input Data

One such prototype that is (in my opinion) always helpful is thinking about what kind of inputs and outputs a system will use and produce.
So in this example a comment might look something like the following (as JSON for ease of reading):

  "uuid": "UUID",
  "post": "post-id or permalink",
  "displayName": "User display name",
  "avatar": "URL to an avatar",
  "webLink": "a URL provided",
  "comment": "markdown comment"

Some of these could be optional. I might also want to include a client generated date with the data if I want to be able to show when this comment was posted and in what timezone/offset.

You might notice I included a UUID in my fields, I find these useful for use as correlation IDs during debugging of a system.

So this is the data provided for the comment but there will also be some additional data associated with the comment request:

This data could all be used in conjunction with the user generated data, especially the data and time.

Form Prototype

I am not the most visual person, as you can probably tell this by the simple design of this blog. But nevertheless it is important to decide and visualize how the comment form might look. Below is my attempt:

Leave a comment

It’s a relatively simple form that relies on the HTML5 form elements and the default theme styling.

For an actual implementation I may add some additional checks and use an AJAX request instead of a form submit action.

The advantage of using an AJAX call are:

Of course there are disadvantages too, mainly that browsers with limited or no JavaScript support won’t work. This may include some screen-reading software used by the visually impaired. However since display of comments will be handled by Jekyll and it’s Liquid templating language existing comments should still be readable in any browser.

Experimenting with Data Files

I am not super familiar with Jekyll’s data files and the Liquid templating language so I thought it prudent to research and experiment with them more.

Jekyll supports YAML, JSON, CSV and TSV files. Out of these file types YAML and JSON are probably the best suited for storing comments due to them not using commas or tabs as separators. My personal preference between YAML and JSON is JSON, mostly because it is a simpler format with much more support, including native JavaScript support in web browsers.

Data files are stored in the _data folder and can be placed in subfolders, which is good because that makes it easier to organise the comments I’ll get into folders based on the posts they are for.

Jekyll makes data accessible by namespace. The example given in the documentation uses the example files _data/orgs/jekyll.yml and _data/orgs/deorg.yml which are associated with the namespace data.orgs and accessible when iterating over that namespace’s members.

Applying this to comments I can see several possible ways of implementing such a system:

Folders for each blog post

Since blog posts in Jekyll are stored as markdown files they can be identified with names that are safe to use in the file system. For example a blog post might be named on the file system which translates to the relative link
Now I can use that filename as a folder in the data directory, something like: _data/comments/2019-05-09-comments-on-static-blog/ and store all comments in that folder for that given post.

The benefits to this are:

One potential issue with this is ordering comments based on their posted time, thankfully Liquid seems to support this with filters. Even if it didn’t comments could be given filenames that order correctly using an incrementing count or just the current time.

Single files for each blog posts

A similar approach to using a folders and files per comment would be using a single file per blog post. This has similar benefits but other drawbacks like merges being harder when blog post has multiple comments awaiting approval.


So a test of the folder approach for the data in _data/test/comments/ that contains 3 files named _0.json, _1.json and _3.json would look something like this:

{% for comment in %}
* {{ comment }} 
{% endfor %}

With the rendered output of:

Notice that the prefix before each item is the filename. So to render the data within we need to select the 2nd item in each comment. So something like the following could render comments:

    {% for comment_hash in %}
    {% assign comment = comment_hash[1] %}
      <td>{{ comment.dateTime }}</td>
      <td>{{ comment.displayName }}</td>
      <td>{{ comment.comment }}</td>
    {% endfor %}

Which would render to:

DateTime Author Comment
2019-05-23T09:34:43.581Z John Smith Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
2019-05-23T09:37:21.520Z Jane Test Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
2019-05-23T09:21:01.120Z Mr Test Foo bar abc *123* _xyz_ ``

One important thing you might notice is that, in the first example made use of markdown to render the comments which actually automatically rendered the comment text of the comments.
In the second, HTML example the comment text is not parsed as markdown and rendered raw. This means that the special markdown characters are rendered and the newline character is added to the document itself.
I want to support markdown in my comments so I’ll have to to use a Liquid filter like {{ comment.comment | markdownify }}.
With that in place the comment with markdown would be rendered like so:

Foo bar abc 123 xyz

Remember that line breaks aren't added in markdown unless they are double breaks (for a new paragraph) or the preceding line is prefixed with 2 spaces (for a manually added line break).

Additionally Liquid has filters for displaying dates in a more friendly manner. These include:

So the date 2019-05-23T09:21:01.120Z could be rendered as:

Or some other variations based on possible settings for the filters.


This post has got quite long already so I will end it here.

You can see a lot of the ideas and thought process happening within here however I still haven’t looked into the pull request side of this system. I am aware of JGit for Java which could be used to create branches in Git and have had a quick look at the Github API for creating Pull Requests but will write a separate post on that.


Comment posting is disabled, please email or discuss on another platform.

Name: Lyndon
Date: February 27th, 2021 10:47

This is a test comment!

I am trying to use markdown.
Is it working?